Adjustments to Rates 2025

Effective 1st January, 2020, the below rates have been adjusted:

Increase In Insurable Earnings Ceiling:

  • Monthly: from $256,800 to $280,000 per month.
  • Weekly: from $59,262 per week to $64,615 per week.

Effective 1st January, 2025, the below rates have been adjusted:

Increase in Minimum Pension:

The minimum rate for Old Age and Invalidity Pensions will be increased from $35,000 to $43,075 per month.

Increase in Minimum Survivor's Pension:

The minimum rate for Survivor's Pension will be increased from $17,500 to $21,537 per month.

Employers are also reminded to download a fresh copy of the electronic schedule which has the updated insurable earnings and ceilings.

N.I.S Online Contribution Checking System

The online contribution checking system (O.C.C.S) shows the number of contributions for individuals registered with the National Insurance Scheme - Guyana.

The database, which is refreshed on a quarterly basis, was last updated on November 30, 2024 and reflects contributions posted up to September of 2024. Next historical database update is scheduled for February 28, 2025.

When registering, please ensure that your N.I.S. number does not include any "-" nor "/" nor spaces.


A-123 4567 should be A1234567.

Be advised that any discrepancies with your records should be reported via our online queries system found in your navigation menu, under "My Queries".

Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr. Ashni Singh Leads NIS Outreaches Across the Country

The Honorable Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, Senior Minister within the Ministry of Finance, along with a team from the National Insurance Scheme, over the past weeks held Outreaches at the Giftland Mall, Parika Market, University of Guyana Tain Campus, NIS Corriverton Local Office, New Amsterdam RDC, Enmore Primary, Watooka House Linden and Mon Repos Primary.

The most recent outreach saw the largest turnout with almost 300 persons attending who were able to meet with the Minister and have their matters resolved. These outreaches have benefited over 1000 persons across the country.

The matters dealt with at the outreaches included processing of compliance certificates, contribution statements, registration and replacement of NIS cards, submission of claims along with pension and benefit queries.

Also present at the outreaches was the General Manager of the National Insurance Scheme Mrs. Holly Greaves along with the Chairman of the National Insurance Scheme Board Mr. Ramesh Persaud and other Board members; Mr. Faizal Jafferally, Mr. Satanand Gopie, Mrs. Gillian Burton-Persaud, Mrs. Yvonne Pearson, Mr. Seepaul Narine, Ms. Kathleen Jason and Mr. Maurice Solomon.

Self-Employed Contribution Payments via GTT Mobile Money

Effective June 15th 2019, Self-Employed persons can make their contribution payments using GTT Mobile Money

The following are the steps to make your submission

  • Register with GTT Mobile Money
  • Select the NIS option from the Pay Bill section
  • Select the Self-Employed option
  • Enter your NIS Number, Paymet months and amount being paid
  • This will complete your transaction and your contributions will be reflected on our system within one week. In addition,
    your receipt from NIS can be uplifted at the office.

    Please select REGISTER to register for GTT Mobile Money

    Contributions Check

    Pay using Mobile Money

    Are you pension ready?